by Firecheckout Support

Customer fields on sign-up page

The FireCheckout includes the Customer Fields Manager module in the package. It aims to help you collect more information from your customers in Magento 2 store. This is an effective way to create a personalized customer experience that leads to:

  • more effecting marketing
  • driving customer engagement
  • better communication with your customers via preferred channels
  • build brand loyalty and get many more repeat clients

The Customer Fields Manager module is about adding extra fields on the Customer Registration page and Customer Account page. With our extension, you can:

  • create multiple additional fields
  • choose up to 6 input types: Text Field, Text Area, Date, Dropdown, Yes/No Dropdown and Multiple Select Dropdown.
  • edit the sort order, status, default values and labels for each customer field
  • review the fields on Edit Customer form in the backend

add custom fields on Magento 2 registration page

Any kind of questioning will help you to know more important info about your clients. For instance, if you know the favorite users' brand, you can send a targeted newsletter with new arrivals of the brand. As birthday congratulations, you can offer rewards from your store. When discovering preferred ways of communicating for every single user - messages, social media, calls, you will get in touch in his preferable way. After you know the products and services the customers prefer to purchase, you would craft a personalized email that will convert.

Get in touch if you have any questions about using the module.

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