by Firecheckout Support

Update instructions

There are 2 ways to update our extension. Choose the instructions according to the way you installed the module.

Follow the instructions if you installed the FireCheckout via composer

Prepare to update

The update requires a Marketplace module. It’s our module that registers our packages repository in the composer.json file. The module saves its credentials to the auth.json file. It automates a bunch of complex commands required to run prior to and after module installation. That makes updating the module much easier.

composer require swissup/module-marketplace &&\
bin/magento setup:upgrade &&\
bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable swissuplabs

It is important to activate the domain now. Get identity key(s) and activate the domain on the site where you’ve purchased the product. In our case this is


Since the Marketplace module is installed you may proceed with the update. Use the following command (GUI is also available under System > Marketplace menu entry).

bin/magento marketplace:package:update swissup/firecheckout

Follow the instructions if you installed the FireCheckout manually

Prepare to update

The update requires the Marketplace module. It’s our module that automates a bunch of complex commands required to run prior to and after module installation. It also provides an easy to use module updating process.

composer require swissup/module-marketplace &&\
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Prepare directory for downloaded archives and register it in composer.json:

mkdir -p vendor/swissup/artifacts &&\
composer config repositories.swissupartifacts artifact $(pwd)/vendor/swissup/artifacts

Download and unpack the archive

# 1. Open your account page at and download it.

# 2. Upload this archive to the directory, and then unpack it to the /vendor/swissup/artifacts folder:

unzip -d vendor/swissup/artifacts

# 3. Now, proceed to the update section.


When Marketplace module is installed you can proceed with the update in terminal (GUI is not supported in manual mode):

bin/magento marketplace:package:update swissup/firecheckout

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